Friday, December 16, 2016

Semester Video Reflection

Semester Reflection

Feature Story


This was the second feature film we had to do. For this video, I interviewed my friend Courtney Honors about her amazing, unique art. This video took only a day to film and about a week to edit. This took pretty long to edit just because I knew what I wanted it to look and feel like, so that was pretty difficult. But with this video I learned how to transfer what I had in my head onto the computer so that was really interesting. I was given the feedback to maybe make my voiceovers shorter and more excited, but I did not get a chance to fix that. Overall, I really enjoyed this video and I think it turned out pretty well. I think the shots are pretty and it definitely has potential.

ONW Now News Story

This was my first news story, and it was different than the past feature stories that I've done. A news story is different from a feature story because it focused on the overview of an event rather than a feature story which focuses on a specific person. This video took me two days to film and edit. It was pretty easy plus I worked with one other person and it had to be short. The challenges I faced was just making sure the video flowed together and that it kept the viewers attention. With this video I learned how to make a news story and how it's different to film and edit from a feature film. I was not given  any feedback besides that people really liked and enjoyed it, so I did not change anything after I was finished. I am pretty proud of this video because I think it was edited really well and it's entertaining to watch.


I think I used my time in class pretty well. I learned that it is better to just put in my headphones and focus on my video. It was rare that I finished early, but when I did I would ask for feedback from the teacher or my classmates on how I could improve my video. When I did not have my video finished, I would come in before and after school to work on it. I've been watching more movies, short films, and newscasts in order to look for new ways to improve my videos. 

I think my strength is that I am really creative and I'm willing to work hard in order to finish something I'm passionate about. I love video so much and I love being able to express my imagination and ideas through video. I think I really need to improve on time management and what are realistic goals for me to reach. 

I loved doing the feature films and ONW Now segment. I love interviewing people and I loved seeing the final products. I especially enjoy being in front of the camera and reporting, that was so much fun. I would maybe have changed my first feature film topic just because I'm not super proud of it because it's really boring. I also really want to work on the six shot system because my video are lacking that depth and I want that in my future projects. I have learned so much about writing scripts and filming and how to convey what I want through my filming and editing. I have also learned how to work with Premier Pro, which was a totally new program for me this year. I like that program, even though it is a little confusing sometimes. I am super excited about making a short film and a music video and I just really, really want to work hard on those and be proud of them. My finals thoughts are that I love video so much and this is what I'm passionate about and I want to keep doing this.

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