Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Short Film Reflection

Sixteen Blog Post:

The script we chose for this project was Addie's script called "Sixteen." The concept was just these girls play bloody mary. During pre-production, our director took over and did not really allow for any of the other members to do anything. She storyboarded, wrote the script, and concepted by herself despite us trying to help her. I was the UPM, so I organized all the actors and the set. We filmed in one long night then our director took over yet another role and edited the short film. My role was UPM and I also acted in it. Along the way I learned that some people have strengths and weaknesses and they are all different - therefore some people are better cut for some roles and others are cut for different roles. Technically, we didn't use anything super special besides the regular 80D and usual software. Personally, I used my technical skills of contacting actors and communicating to get them their scripts and to film. With leadership, I cleaned up after the mess of filming by apologizing and thanking all of our actors and fellow ecomm students who helped us during filming because our director didn't do so. With collaboration, I tried to ease tensions between the team. And with project management, I did everything I was supposed to do on time. 

What I would do differently is I would choose a better script and also choose a different team. I think working with the right people really makes or breaks the film. What I would do the same is some of the cool shots and the adventure of different types of lighting. For experiences, I learned who I want to work with and who I don't. Overall, the film turned out alright and now I know what I can do better for next time. 

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