Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Character and Function of the Poster Reflection

The Character and Function of the Poster:

The purpose of the poster is to bring a message, whether that is a political one or to announce a product.  A poster must be on display and open for all to see. Posters will tell information about politics affairs and social conditions. Posters also suggests wishes an the existence of things from our imagination. Posters can help us solve our problems, and also brings up new questions to make us ponder. Posters are an important way of communicating to a wide audience, between the producer and consumer, and just to each other. Posters are meant to provoke thought and action and to motivate people to do and buy things. 

Posters are also meant to be aesthetically pleasing. They should attract the eye and draw notice to the message of the poster. Posters should fascinate people and contact their emotions. While processing the message of the poster, there should be a "dialogue" between the poster and the person reading it. In conclusion, a poster should capture attention and motivate people to think and to act. 

I learned that posters should have a maximum effect, they should provoke memories, and they should motivate people to act. I think the lettering was really interesting just because I would like to become better at that. This paper was very informative and really let me into the world of posters and to see that designing a poster is a lot of work and thought in order to reach the final product. 

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