For this project, we used Alex's script for this video. The concept was that a guy sees a pretty girl working in a gas station, and he tries to go and talk to her. In preproduction, we really talked with Alex about his concept and what he wanted as we storyboarded. We all picked our roles and we worked through pre-production pretty well. We then got up very early and filmed at a gas station which went pretty well, besides when some of our group goofing off. Our shots were good and we still had our concept. Yet when we gave all our videos to our editor to edit, he told us that he had it all covered and he didn't need our help, therefore some of our group worked on other projects to be productive. But then we were not aware he did not have the video in when we were emailed about it, and we all texted him to make sure and get it in which he didn't until 2 days late. Also, when we saw the video we were very disappointed by the editing, because it did not show any hard work at all, barely had a concept, and was just lazy. This is not our standard and the final product was a result of the editor not holding his end up and conferring with the rest of the group.
We used a shotgun mic, two DSLR 60Ds, and two lenses. We also edited in premiere pro.
We all pretty much know what we're doing, so our technical skills were good. We had good communication between most of the group members, besides the editor who barely talked to us. The artistic directors had to step up most of the time and take leadership. We also worked well together, besides when the final product was produced. I think our timing was good and we had time for everything, it just fell through.
I would probably not work with one of the members in our group again, just because they were lazy when the rest of us worked hard. This video is not our standard and we take it very seriously.
I would work with a script like this again, because I love the concept and the cinematography and it is all very dry and dreamy and I love it.
I will now know what it takes to impress the teacher, and I know who to and not work with.
My general thoughts were that I think our video was good at the beginning, everyone was passionate. But to the end, the editor really butchered it, so it made all of us look bad. Also, I do like class critique and I like hearing from the class, I thought that reading the paper of the instructor's review in front of the whole class was unnecessary and uncalled for. I wish we could have done it in private because it made everyone look bad in our group, when we know the flaws of the video, which was not everyone's fault. It felt more like our video bashed on rather than helpful advice. Also, I feel like we need to be able to work more with everyone in the class, and really learn from the seniors, because they have been in this program longer than us, and they know what they are doing. I think less structure and more freedom will really help the class flourish with creativity, hard work, and overall friendship between everyone. We are seniors and juniors in this class and we have been in this program for 3-4 years, therefore we know how to make short films and we know the production roles. We need to be pushed to be better and to make mistakes and take risks, not just go over the same thing every single class and watch videos about topics that are not helpful at this time and only take up work time. Overall, we just need to learn from our mistakes and become better.